Unplugging This Holiday Season: Why Families, Teens, and Kids Need a Break from Screens
digital detox, play, Playroom, Books Kenya Kirkman digital detox, play, Playroom, Books Kenya Kirkman

Unplugging This Holiday Season: Why Families, Teens, and Kids Need a Break from Screens

In a world dominated by screens, this holiday season is the perfect time to reconnect with what matters most: family. Unplugging from devices can enhance creativity, reduce stress, and strengthen bonds for children, teens, and parents alike. From cozy family reading sessions to book-inspired DIY projects and outdoor adventures, there are countless ways to make screen-free memories together. Prioritize intentional breaks from technology and rediscover the joys of connection and creativity this festive season. How will your family unplug and unwind? Let’s make this holiday meaningful, together.

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